
I wrote most of these articles in 2002/03/04 when i knew a little about a lot and a wonderful woman called Jessica West decided to put her faith in my writing talents and actually pay me to write for her company -The Circle (originally the Psychic Circle). I guess it followed that the best way for me to write was a little about a lot. It turns out its a great skill to get so few words to say such a lot – who knew? Some of it’s a little naive but id love you to browse through the subjects that i love and pick out something to help, invigorate, relax, inspire …..

Id also love it if you would leave comments, adding your thoughts, knowledge, spelling corrections, opinions, in fact anything you have to say on the subject you can say it here.

Cilla Black also thought it might be a good idea for me to write for her so i contributed to her website Destiny Calls until it folded for reasons best left unexplained (I say ‘best left’ purely because Cilla was my Grandmothers favourite and no one who did anything that bad could have been loved that dearly by my Gran … who was amazing and one of my favourite people ever!).

I’ll add to them as i find time so keep popping back for new content.

They are all written by me except the ones under the heading Ann Albers. Anns articles are really worth reading and have special meaning to me – they have helped me over the years immeasurably and i hope they have an impact on you also.